Squawking with a dirt bike on Mount Batur

Fra USD 250,00 $
  • Varighed: 6 Timer (Ca.)
  • Sted: Gianyar, Bali
  • Produkt kode: PNJJVQ

Enjoying the view of Mount Batur can not only be enjoyed by
trekking and watching the sun rise from his home. One of these programs offers
and combines enjoying beautiful scenery with an adventure riding a special
motorbike to explore Mount Batur.

Departing from the hotel, enjoy and welcome our program
today by enjoying a cup of coffee by seeing the garden and their way to process
coffee into powder and ready to be served with high quality because in the
process of using firewood which causes the taste of coffee to have its own

After the coffee in the glass begins to dry up, the trip in
this program we continue to the start point where the company that organizes
this adventure will give you a motorbike to drive across the adventure route
which is not easy to follow.

After being given an explanation of our program today and
checking our motorcycles, we will conquer Mount Batur by riding a special
motorcycle to explore in the rocky and sandy roads. Yes, dirty bike, they call
it. the height of Mount Batur which reaches 1717 meters, we will cross rocks
and sand and narrow roads between the forests that have just grown trees, they
want to stand but are still afraid of the wrath of the mighty we will reach

Enjoy the sensation of tracing road after road with the
spinning of the wheels of our motorcycles that seem not afraid to face the
height of Mount Batur. Crossing the forest that is rarely encountered in this
rocky and sandy area with a narrow rocky lan is indeed a certain challenge. The
beautiful view of the lake that stretches out, swooping and jumping like flying
on our bikes is a natural thing that we will encounter in this adventure.
Beware of our motorcycle road which is sure to be slippery with sand covering
our road, but it is a challenge that has its own taste, dust flies in the midst
of the loud sound of the engine from our motorcycle as if shouting furiously,
breaking the silence of the road we are passing through, pumping adrenaline to
bend the gas in our hands to show the strength of the motorcycle we drive, the
vomiting of lava that is familiar to us for 4-5 hours, this journey drives to
the top Mount Batur.

After the top of the mountain, we conquer on the way down
the mountain with this motorcycle is not an easy thing When we try to press the
brakes, the rear wheel of our motorcycle also wants to jump and get ahead of
us. If we can't control this motorcycle, it seems that they will not want to
cooperate as if they want to slam us. Thankfully, the knowledge has been given
to us to apply in this matter. Driving with the wheels of our already dusty
motorcycle tires invites us to drive towards the restaurant to enjoy our lunch
which signifies the end of our program. Continue the journey by car to Return
to our hotel.


08.00am hotel pick up

08.45 am coffee plantation visiting

09.30 am start point for dirty bike adventure

13.00 pm lunch with volcano view

14.00 pm return to hotel

Get a free voucher for lunch or dinner, one of them in one of the residents' houses with Balinese housewife cooking served to the family in the atmosphere of a Balinese family home. If you compare it with the price in a restaurant, it is IDR 250,000 per person.

NB: vouchers cannot be exchanged for money. If they are not taken they will automatically be forfeited.